บาง เวปเข้าซ้า มาก ๆๆ ครับ
http://www.thaidphoto.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23http://www.siamturakij.com/home/news/index_news.phpและเวปบ้างเวปนะครับ หรือผมเป็นคนเดียว อย่างอื่นดีหมดครับ
config ครับ
## Squid 2.7 Tuned BY MR.BOM SiamCaFe.net
http_port transparent no-connection-auth
http_port transparent no-connection-auth
icp_port 0
icp_query_timeout 0
mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000
dead_peer_timeout 10 seconds
# Time Out
request_timeout 5 minutes
forward_timeout 5 minutes
connect_timeout 5 minutes
peer_connect_timeout 1 minutes
pconn_timeout 120 seconds
read_timeout 15 minutes
request_timeout 5 minutes
persistent_request_timeout 2 minute
shutdown_lifetime 5 seconds
negative_ttl 2 minutes
negative_ttl 3 minutes
positive_dns_ttl 120 seconds
negative_dns_ttl 120 seconds
netdb_low 900
netdb_high 1000
client_db on
client_lifetime 1 day
acl Manager proto cache_object
acl PURGE method purge
acl all src
#acl localhost src
acl localhost src
acl our_networks src
acl All_Port port 1-65535
acl blockweb dst
acl store_rewrite_list url_regex ^http://(.*?)/get_video\?
acl store_rewrite_list url_regex ^http://(.*?)/videodownload\?
acl store_rewrite_list url_regex ^http://i(.*?).photobucket.com/albums/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)\?
acl store_rewrite_list url_regex ^http://vid(.*?).photobucket.com/albums/(.*?)/(.*?)\?
refresh_pattern ^http://(.*?)/get_video\? 1440 100% 1440 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://(.*?)/videodownload\? 1440 100% 1440 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://update.cabal.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://download.cabal.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://patch.sf.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^ 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://cbt.patch.easportsfifaonline2.in.th/.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://patch.kr.in.th/.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://autopatch.sdo.in.th/patch/.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://update.hitsplay.com/.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^http://www.titanonline.in.th/.* 10080 100% 10080 ignore-reload override-lastmod reload-into-ims override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-private
# --------------------------------------
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100
range_offset_limit 20000 KB
half_closed_clients off
http_access deny blockweb
http_access allow Manager all
http_access allow manager
http_access allow All_Port
http_access allow CONNECT All_Port
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow our_networks
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all
header_access Allow allow all
header_access Authorization allow all
header_access Cache-Control allow all
header_access Content-Encoding allow all
header_access Content-Length allow all
header_access Content-Type allow all
header_access Date allow all
header_access Expires allow all
header_access Host allow all
header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
header_access Last-Modified allow all
header_access Location allow all
header_access Pragma allow all
header_access Accept allow all
header_access Accept-Charset allow all
header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
header_access Accept-Language allow all
header_access Content-Language allow all
header_access Content-Language allow all
header_access Mime-Version allow all
header_access Retry-After allow all
header_access Title allow all
header_access Connection allow all
header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
header_access All allow all
cache allow store_rewrite_list
cache allow all
#follow_x_forwarded_for allow localhost
url_rewrite_program /etc/squid/store_url_rewrite.pl
url_rewrite_children 10
acl youtube_query url_regex -i \.youtube\.com\/get_video
acl youtube_query url_regex -i \.cache[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?\.googlevideo\.com\/videoplayback
acl youtube_query url_regex -i \.cache[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?\.googlevideo\.com\/get_video
acl youtube_deny url_regex -i http:\/\/[a-z][a-z]\.youtube\.com
acl metacafe_query dstdomain v.mccont.com
acl dailymotion_query url_regex -i proxy\-[0-9][0-9]\.dailymotion\.com\/
acl google_query dstdomain vp.video.google.com
acl redtube_query dstdomain dl.redtube.com
acl xtube_query url_regex -i [a-z0-9][0-9a-z][0-9a-z]?[0-9a-z]?[0-9a-z]?\.xtube\.com\/(.*)flv
acl vimeo_query url_regex -i bitcast\.vimeo\.com\/vimeo\/videos\/
acl wrzuta_query url_regex -i va\.wrzuta\.pl\/wa[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?
url_rewrite_access deny youtube_deny
url_rewrite_access allow youtube_query
url_rewrite_access allow metacafe_query
url_rewrite_access allow dailymotion_query
url_rewrite_access allow google_query
url_rewrite_access allow redtube_query
url_rewrite_access allow xtube_query
url_rewrite_access allow vimeo_query
url_rewrite_access allow wrzuta_query
redirector_bypass on
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
storeurl_access deny all
storeurl_rewrite_program /etc/squid/store_url_rewrite.pl
# mark for no cache
# hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? localhost .html .htm .asp .aspx .php .inf .dll .Xt .xtp .ini localhost htm$ html$ php$ inf$ dll$ Xt$ xtp$ ini$ asp$ aspx$ .exe .cfg ucg
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? localhost .html .htm .asp .aspx .php .inf .dll .Xt .xtp .ini localhost htm$ html$ php$ inf$ dll$ Xt$ xtp$ ini$ asp$ aspx$ updatelist$ patch_lv1 .cfg .exe ucg
cache deny QUERY
# -----------------------------------
cache_mem 512 MB
cache_swap_low 98
cache_swap_high 99
memory_pools on
memory_pools_limit 512 MB
maximum_object_size 256 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 1024 KB
ipcache_size 4096
ipcache_low 98
ipcache_high 99
fqdncache_size 4096
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
# -------------------------------------
cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid 4096 16 256
#cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/cache1 4096 16 256
#cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/cache2 4096 16 256
error_directory /etc/squid/errors/
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
#cache_access_log /dev/null
cache_log /dev/null
cache_store_log /dev/null
pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid
log_fqdn off
ftp_passive on
ftp_sanitycheck on
# ------------------------------
[email protected]visible_hostname siamcafe.net
# -------------------------------
#collapsed_forwarding on
#log_icp_queries off
#query_icmp off
#buffered_logs off
#reload_into_ims on
#nonhierarchical_direct off
#prefer_direct on
#strip_query_terms off
#pipeline_prefetch on
#ie_refresh on
#forwarded_for on
#vary_ignore_expire on
#store_dir_select_algorithm round-robin
#ignore_unknown_nameservers on
#balance_on_multiple_ip on
log_icp_queries off
query_icmp off
buffered_logs off
nonhierarchical_direct off
prefer_direct on
strip_query_terms off
pipeline_prefetch on
ie_refresh on
forwarded_for on
vary_ignore_expire on
store_dir_select_algorithm round-robin
ignore_unknown_nameservers on
balance_on_multiple_ip on
check_hostnames on
allow_underscore on
acl snmpcommunity snmp_community public
snmp_port 3401
snmp_access allow snmpcommunity localhost
snmp_access deny all
## For Low B/W MultiMedia File Steming ###
#acl multimedia url_regex -i \.mp3$ \.rm$ \.mpg$ \.mpeg$ \.avi$ \.dat$
#delay_pools 1
#delay_class 1 1
#delay_parameters 1 1000/16000
#delay_access 1 allow multimedia
#delay_access 1 deny ALL
# ####DELAY POOLS###################################################
# This is the most important part for shaping incoming traffic with Squid
# For detailed description see squid.conf file or docs at
http://www.squid-cache.org# We don't want to limit downloads on our local network.
# acl magic_words1 url_regex -i 192.168
# We want to limit downloads of these type of files
# Put this all in one line
# .3gp .aac .ac3 .act .aif .aiff .amr .asf .au .avi .b5t .bin .bwt .cab .ccd .cdi .cue .dat .dct .div .divx .dss .exe .flac .fli .flv .gho .gsm .gz .ifo .img .iso .m4a .mp2 .mp3 .mp4 .mov .mpe .mpga .mpg .mpeg .mds .nrg .ogg .pdi .qt .ra .ram .rar .raw .rcd .rec .rm .rmvb .rmj .rpm .sea .shn .sri .swf .tar .tgz .vob .vox .vqf .wav .wmv .wma .zip
# acl magic_words2 url_regex -i ftp http .3gp .aac .ac3 .act .aif .aiff .amr .asf .au .avi .b5t .bin .bwt .cab .ccd .cdi .cue .dat .dct .div .divx .dss .exe .flac .fli .flv .gho .gsm .gz .ifo .img .iso .m4a .mp2 .mp3 .mp4 .mov .mpe .mpga .mpg .mpeg .mds .nrg .ogg .pdi .qt .ra .ram .rar .raw .rcd .rec .rm .rmvb .rmj .rpm .sea .shn .sri .swf .tar .tgz .vob .vox .vqf .wav .wmv .wma .zip
# We don't block .html, .gif, .jpg and similar files, because they
# generally don't consume much bandwidth
# We want to limit bandwidth during the day, and allow
# full bandwidth during the night
# Caution! with the acl below your downloads are likely to break
# at 23:59. Read the FAQ in this bandwidth if you want to avoid it.
# acl day time 00:00-23:59
# We have two different delay_pools
# View Squid documentation to get familiar
# with delay_pools and delay_class.
# delay_pools 2
# #####################################
# First delay pool
# We don't want to delay our local traffic.
# There are three pool classes; here we will deal only with the second.
# First delay class (1) of second type (2).
# delay_class 1 2
#-1/-1 mean that there are no limits.
# delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
# magic_words1: 192.168 we have set before
# delay_access 1 allow magic_words1
# #####################################
# #####################################
# Second delay pool.
# we want to delay downloading files mentioned in magic_words2.
# Second delay class (2) of second type (2).
# delay_class 2 2
# The numbers here are values in bytes;
# we must remember that Squid doesn't consider start/stop bits
# 5000/150000 are values for the whole network
# 5000/120000 are values for the single IP
# after downloaded files exceed about 150000 bytes,
# (or even twice or three times as much)
# they will continue to download at about 5000 bytes/s
# delay_parameters 2 5000/150000 5000/120000
# delay_parameters 2 640000/640000 256000/256000
# Mbps = 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
# bps = 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096
# Byte = 128 192 256 320 384 448 512
# delay_parameters 2 384000/384000 192000/256000
# delay_parameters 2 384000/384000 192000/384000
# delay_parameters 2 512000/512000 320000/384000
# # delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 -1/-1
# # We have set day to 00:00-23:59 before.
# delay_access 2 allow day
# delay_access 2 deny !day
# delay_access 2 allow magic_words2
ก็แทบจะเดิมครับ เน็ต 2mb up 2mb ลีดลายนะครับ