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E-Book Hacking GooGle How to เพื่อการศึกษาและไม่ควรนำไปใช้ในทางที่ผิดนะครับ :027:
The top part of the search result page mimics the main Web search page.
Notice the Images, Groups, News, and Froogle links at the top of the page. By
clicking these links, you automatically resubmit your search as an Image, Group,
News, or Froogle search, without having to retype your query.
The results line shows which results are displayed (1–10, in this case), the
approximate total number of matches (here, about 634,000), the search query
itself (including links to dictionary lookups of individual words), and the amount
of time the query took to execute.The speed of the query is often overlooked,
but it is quite impressive. Even large queries resulting in millions of hits are
returned within a fraction of a second!
For each entry on the results page, Google lists the name of the site, a summary
of the site (usually the first few lines of content), the URL of the page that
matched, the size and date the page was last crawled, a cached link that shows the
page as it appeared when Google last crawled it, and a link to pages with similar
content. If the result page is written in a language other than your native language
and Google supports the translation from that language into yours (set in
www.syngress.comGoogle Searching Basicshttp://www.siamcafe2r.com/topics/634 ๛sc